Obituary: Dr Tim Millar

Andrea Caporal Royal Society of Biology

It is with great sadness that we note the passing of our friend and colleague Dr Tim Millar, at the tragically young age of 51 after a short illness. Tim was an enthusiastic supporter of the Society and acted as both a committee member from 2018-2022 and planned and organised the 2020 annual meeting of the Society, which was unfortunately cancelled due to the COVID outbreak. Tim was an enthusiastic integrative scientist, with a passion for training, supervising many undergraduate project students and nine PhD students. He was a senior lecturer at the University of Southampton and a key member of their clinical pharmacology teaching team for medical students as well. Tim’s research interests spanned engineering, vascular biology and rheology. I first met him while working up proposals to investigate magnetic nanoparticles for targeting angiogenic factors and he was a keen collaborator, with a dynamic that enabled people to come together. His recent work on behaviour of sclerotherapeutic foams on endothelial cells with Dario Carugo demonstrated a beautiful understanding of the interaction of physical and biological properties in the vascular system. Tim’s contribution to the Society over the years as a committee member will be remembered for his thoughtful and calm contributions to discussions on how to move forward as a society, and in particular his kindness and his loss will be keenly felt by the society as he should have been able to contribute much more over the years. Tim did his postdoctoral work at the University of Bath with David Blake and Cliff Stevens on the properties of xanthine oxidases and then moved to the University of Calgary to work with Lee Anne Tibbles, before returning to the UK as a lecturer in Pharmacology at Southampton in 2005. Tim is survived by his wife Ronaye and two young sons.

David Bates (BMVBS President)